Allgemein Plastic – what is it all about?

11 What are the main types of plastic?

*This figure accounts for around 20,000 different types of plastic, as well as additives. The numbers are recycling codes, which are frequently found on plastic packaging labels.

PS Polystyrene (hard, brittle, often foamed)

PUR Polyurethane (transparent or colored, often foamed)

PET Polyethylene terephthalate (transparent or colored and translucent)

PP&A Various textile fibers that do not have separate recycling codes – known as polyester, polyamide, polyacrylic

PVC Polyvinyl chloride (durable, hard, or rubbery)

HDPE High-density polyethylene (white or colored)

LDPE Low-density polyethylene (transparent, white, or colored)

PP Polypropylene (hard but flexible)

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GlossaryEthane PET: Polyethylene PP Recycling codes Polyester HDPE polyethylene PP
