Startpage How does PET recycling work?What about »bio«-based plastic?How does plastic get into the sea?What should products be like?What do I need to do things differently?Why reuse items?What is plastic?What’s made of plastic?Who profits from plastic?Living with a plastic factory?How are PET bottles made?How much plastic ends up as waste?How do birds fly full of plastic?Can you live on trash?Where is the ocean trash?Who’s fighting against plastic pollution?How does plastic threaten seabirds?Who’s responsible for plastic waste?How much plastic is produced worldwide?What prevents recycling?Why is plastic recycling not a solution?Why is plastic so dangerous?Where does German waste go?What are the main types of plastic?Why do we need a Plastic Treaty?How do polymers differ?Where does plastic in soil come from?Can plastic make me sick?What does plastic do to our climate?How can I become politically active?Where is the plastic in cosmetics?How much plastic surrounds me?How did we use to live?How does reuse work as a system?Who invented plastic?Can we have a plastic-free campus?How does plastic come to us?How do I do a brand audit?How can I know what’s in it?How long has plastic been around?How much plastic can a festival avoid?How does plastic get into the soil?How do zero-waste cities work?What is plastic used for?How much plastic is in our clothes?How much plastic is there in the ocean?What are additives?How long is plastic used?How much plastic has been produced?What does plastic do to your drink?Menstruation without plastic or taboo?Where does ocean trash come from?What does plastic do to marine life?What is fracking?How & where to buy zero-waste?What are governments doing?How does plastic affect hygiene?Does »bio«degradable plastic exist?What’s in plastic?How does plastic affect people?Does plastic also kill land animals?How do we tackle the plastic crisis?How do labels lie?How many times can we wrap the earth?How much plastic do I eat?What links prosperity and plastic waste?Can we get plastic out of the sea?What remains after incineration?